Community Club
The Gates Mills Community Club's Mission is to support the Village of Gates Mills and to build community among its residents.
You’ll want to be part of this energetic, fun-loving group to meet your neighbors, find out what’s going on in the village, meet new friends, and enjoy some fun activities. You deserve some “me” time!
What we do:
- Publish the Pink Sheet
- Award scholarships
- Provide Welcome Packages for new residents
- Produce the telephone directory
- Run the 4th of July Hot Dog Sale
- Help provide an annual Thank You Lunch for village employees
- Support the Annual Art Show
- Sponsor Bridge Groups
- Offer free babysitting at many events
- Provide exciting new programs, luncheons, events & activities during the day, evening, and weekend.
- Ladies Night Out events every month
- Events for young families & children
It’s the perfect time to join. Just complete an application and send it in. Questions: Call Cathy DiVincenzo at 440-382-5200. We look forward so seeing you soon!