Police Department

News Article - Deer Hunting Permit (Culling) Forms

Deer bow hunting permit (culling) forms for the 2024/25 Hunting Season are available on-line and in the Town Hall Vestibule.

The 2024-25 hunting season runs September 28, 2024-February 2, 2025.

On-line forms can be accessed below.  Please print the forms and return all completed forms with the $25.00 processing fee, (cash or checks payable to the Village of Gates Mills), to:

News Article - SCAMO - How to recognize and spot SCAMS

Couldnt make the presentation to play SCAMO?

Click here to watch on the Village YouTube Channel

Join us for "SCAMO", a bingo-based game that helps players learn about scams in a fun, familiar format.

As you play, you will get more information about scams and scam-fighting strategies from our Scam Squad partners at the Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs.

Police - Mental Health & Crisis Resources

Mental Health & Crisis Resources

What is mental illness? A mental illness is a medical condition that affects a person's thinking, feeling, or mood. Such conditions may affect someone's ability to relate to others and function each day. 

You are not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in five U.S. adults lives with a mental illness. You are worthy. Help is available! 


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